7 Ways to Fill Your Empty Nest with Adventure

7 Ways to Fill Your Empty Nest with Adventure

This article was originally published on Your View From Home. How to make the empty nest years the best years. As we’re ushering our daughters into the pseudo-adulthood of college, anticipating our soon-to-be empty nest, I’m a bubbling cauldron of emotions. Our older daughter is in her third year of college and our youngest, her…

An Ode to a Love and a Longish Marriage: 25 Years and Counting

An Ode to a Love and a Longish Marriage: 25 Years and Counting

During the week leading up to our wedding (almost 25 years ago), my aunt and I went for a walk. We talked about life, the busy week ahead, and marriage. It was sunny, but the sweltering heat and humidity that would blanket the city just in time for our outdoor reception hadn’t settled in just…